Glimpses of Israel - Sights and Sounds of Passover

Passover celebrates the redemption of the people of Israel from a life of slavery in Egypt to a life of blessing with the LORD God Almighty.

For almost 40 centuries the people of Israel have celebrated Passover, the last 25 centuries whilst living among the nations. The nations, too, have benefited by observing and meditating on its great truths, and the wonders performed by the God of Israel. Whilst the essentials of the celebration of Passover remain, the sights and sounds vary having been influenced over the years by the culture and history of the hosting nation.

Since the re-establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the celebration of Passover has taken on a new vibrancy. For the first time in many generations, the Jewish people can celebrate the feast of the LORD in the land, which He promised them, as an everlasting inheritance.

Today, after 25 centuries, the LORD God has again reunited the land and the people. And together, as in ancient times, characteristic of the first Passover and exodus from Egypt, they are proclaiming the excellence of His greatness and the might of His power. The streets of Jerusalem, the eternal, indivisible capital of Israel, are once again filled with the sights and sounds of redemption. "Sing to the LORD for he has triumphed gloriously!" (Exodus 15:21)